Virtual Reality Headsets

Nullam dignissim elit ut urna rutrum, a fermentum mi auctor. Mauris efficitur magna orci, et dignissim lacus scelerisque sit amet. Proin malesuada tincidunt nisl ac commodo. Vivamus eleifend porttitor ex sit amet suscipit. Vestibulum at ullamcorper lacus, vel facilisis arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Maecenas in sodales nisl. Pellentesque ac nibh mi. Ut lobortis odio nulla, congue rhoncus risus facilisis eget. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. read more


360° Viewing Immersive VR Headset

0 out of 5
  • Multimedia Speakers
  • 120 watts peak
  • Front-facing subwoofer
  • BIGGEST 44mm LENS: DREAM VR uses high quality 44mm HD resin lens with multi-layered nano dip coating. The lens in our eyes alter the incoming light in a way that it gets focused on our receptors on the back of our eyes. That's why we need special lenses, as in our VR headset, to bend the light and make it comfortable for our eyes to see.
  • FREE WIRELESS GAMEPAD CONTROLLER: Dream VR package includes a fabulous universal mini wireless Bluetooth remote control which has X-box styled game pad design and is absolutely free. This is compatible with iOS, Android & PC etc. It can be used as a game controller, wireless mouse or E-book flip page.
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360° Viewing Immersive VR Headset

0 out of 5
  • Multimedia Speakers
  • 120 watts peak
  • Front-facing subwoofer
  • BIGGEST 44mm LENS: DREAM VR uses high quality 44mm HD resin lens with multi-layered nano dip coating. The lens in our eyes alter the incoming light in a way that it gets focused on our receptors on the back of our eyes. That's why we need special lenses, as in our VR headset, to bend the light and make it comfortable for our eyes to see.
  • FREE WIRELESS GAMEPAD CONTROLLER: Dream VR package includes a fabulous universal mini wireless Bluetooth remote control which has X-box styled game pad design and is absolutely free. This is compatible with iOS, Android & PC etc. It can be used as a game controller, wireless mouse or E-book flip page.

2 in stock

239.99 Add to cartCompare

360° Viewing Immersive VR Headset

0 out of 5
  • Multimedia Speakers
  • 120 watts peak
  • Front-facing subwoofer
  • BIGGEST 44mm LENS: DREAM VR uses high quality 44mm HD resin lens with multi-layered nano dip coating. The lens in our eyes alter the incoming light in a way that it gets focused on our receptors on the back of our eyes. That's why we need special lenses, as in our VR headset, to bend the light and make it comfortable for our eyes to see.
  • FREE WIRELESS GAMEPAD CONTROLLER: Dream VR package includes a fabulous universal mini wireless Bluetooth remote control which has X-box styled game pad design and is absolutely free. This is compatible with iOS, Android & PC etc. It can be used as a game controller, wireless mouse or E-book flip page.

2 in stock

239.99 Add to cartCompare

360° Viewing Immersive VR Headset

0 out of 5
  • Multimedia Speakers
  • 120 watts peak
  • Front-facing subwoofer
  • BIGGEST 44mm LENS: DREAM VR uses high quality 44mm HD resin lens with multi-layered nano dip coating. The lens in our eyes alter the incoming light in a way that it gets focused on our receptors on the back of our eyes. That's why we need special lenses, as in our VR headset, to bend the light and make it comfortable for our eyes to see.
  • FREE WIRELESS GAMEPAD CONTROLLER: Dream VR package includes a fabulous universal mini wireless Bluetooth remote control which has X-box styled game pad design and is absolutely free. This is compatible with iOS, Android & PC etc. It can be used as a game controller, wireless mouse or E-book flip page.